Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Year's Resolution to Become the Best Me

2012 Will Be My Best Year Yet

by Tommy Lee Jenkins, III

This year I decided to jump on the band wagon and start making some New Year's resolutions.  I'm going to go to the gym more.  I'm going to save more money.  I'm going to write a screenplay.  I'm going to start work on my business plan, so that when I am in a better place, I can just jump in to the next phase of my life's plans.

I am proud of my progress in the first month of the new year.  I am balancing my checkbook and saving more money.  I'm paying off my credit cards.  I actually have been going to the gym more than I had been.  I am spending more time with my family.  I am forging a closer relationship with my higher power and my family.

I haven't made any new friends this year and I haven't found that elusive better job, but I am going to continue to apply to better jobs.  As far as my resolution to get a better job, I have an obligation to the rest of America to get a better job.  If I get a better job, then I make more money, pay more taxes, and consume more goods.  In the process, I would be using my credit cards more, thereby improving my credit score.

This year is the Chinese Year of the Dragon.  The Dragon is emblematic of a strong character, synonymous with that of the Lion.  In that, I pledge to find strength where I previously thought I had none, venture out, and take a risk.  I plan on starting my own business.  As I've hinted before, that's a long-term plan that most likely won't pan out within 2012.

Since my business won't be starting anytime soon, its time for me to do new things (like writing this blog) and learn new skills.  I am going to buy Dummies books on jewelry-making, woodworking, candle-making, and screen-writing.  I live in constant fear of losing my job.  If I learn a new skill, it would enrich my life, but it would also give me another avenue to pursue if I were to lose my job.

I enjoy writing.  Maybe this blog will turn into a newspaper.  Maybe this blog will be nothing more than a mere open diary for the entire world to read.  I'm taking a chance.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  You can't have a newspaper if you have nothing to say.

I'm contemplating voting in the Republican primary.  If I do, I'll be voting for Mitt Romney.  I'm still voting for Barack Obama in the General Election, but I think I want to participate in the Republican primary so I can see who's voting.

Go forth and find your inner Dragon.

Happy 2012!

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